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303 students who participated in the pilots completed the questionnaire. Of these, after reading the informed consent form, 9 participants chose not to participate and therefore did not respond to the questionnaire This resulted in 303 participants. Descriptives and characteristics of the sample are shown in detail in Table 1. It should be noted that of the total number of students who participated in the pilots, approximately 80% completed the form after the pilot, as students were asked to participate voluntarily, and the form was anonymous. Consequently, a much larger number of students than the 303 who responded to the questionnaire was reached with the implementation of the pilots in the different countries.
Additionally, we have 21 responses to the teacher questionnaire, since not all teachers who implemented pilots answered the questionnaire, from those teachers who implemented the pilots with the help and collaboration of the members of the AgileXR project. 81% were men, 57% implemented type A pilots, 29% of the pilots used virtual reality, 24% were carried out with learning with great specific learning difficulties and disabilities, and 43% were carried out with students of low socioeconomic level. All teachers who responded implemented the pilots in secondary education.