Aim of the report

The main aim of the report analyzing the data collected from the pilots is to provide a comprehensive and insightful assessment of the impact of these innovative teaching practices with the use of agile methodologies and technologies (extended reality and web-based EdTech) on student and teacher experiences within a distance or hybrid education context.

The overall objective was:

  1. Evaluate the Perceived Effectiveness from Students and Teachers: Assess the extent to which the implementation of agile methodologies, extended reality technology (XR), and web-based edtech tools have contributed to achieving the intended learning outcomes and objectives in terms of engagement, interest, motivation towards learning, team collaboration, feeling of connectedness, self-regulation, interaction with the teacher, learning, how to use technology, and agile mindset.

Additionally, the report seeks to:

  1. Gather feedback: Summarize the feedback and opinions provided by both students and teachers regarding their experiences with the pilot programs. This includes their perceptions of the benefits, challenges, and overall satisfaction with the new teaching and learning approaches.

  2. Analyze student and teacher perspectives: Analyze the data to gain insights into how students and teachers have adapted to and embraced these innovative methods and technologies. Understand the factors that have influenced their acceptance and effectiveness in enhancing the teaching and learning processes.

  3. Identify best practices: Identify best practices and successful strategies that emerged from the pilot programs, highlighting the specific elements, tools, or methodologies that contributed most to increased interaction, collaboration, and engagement.

  4. Address challenges and areas for improvement: Recognize challenges and areas where improvements are needed in the implementation of these new methods and technologies. Explore solutions and recommendations for addressing these challenges effectively.

  5. Inform future educational initiatives: Provide insights that can inform future educational initiatives, helping to shape policies and practices that aim to create more dynamic and engaging learning environments, particularly in distance and hybrid education settings.

  6. Contribute to educational research: Contribute to the body of educational research by sharing findings and observations about the integration of agile methodologies, XR technology, and web-based edtech tools in teaching practices and their implications for the future of education.

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