Pilot Teaching Experiences in the AgileXR Project

The project involved the implementation of a repository of pilot cases (Project Result 3) that demonstrated the facilitation of hybrid teamwork in real-life teaching practice. These pilot cases were co-created and performed with teachers to showcase how to set up hybrid collaborative learning using agile methods combined with web-based and XR-based technologies.

The primary goals of these pilots were to increase teachers' understanding of designing learning experiences in hybrid learning environments using web/XR technologies and agile methods and to support the well-being of students in online and hybrid learning environments, particularly those in vulnerable positions due to disabilities or challenging home backgrounds.

Two types of pilots were conducted: project-based lessons (Context A) or single lessons (Context B). Each partner executed a total of four local pilots, which included the following contexts:

  1. Pilot in Belgium by RHIZO

  • Fourteen pilots were performed in the context of project-based learning, ranging from 4 to 12 lesson times.

  • These pilots implemented 2 to 4 agile methods during the project-based learning experiences.

  • Some of the pilots focused on the use of XR-technologies, while some others focused on web-technologies.

  1. Pilot in Belgium by CollectiveUp

  • Two pilots were performed in the context of single lessons, using XR-technologies and web-technologies.

  • The students belonged to a school specialized in specific learning difficulties and disabilities.

  1. Pilot in Finland by Metropolia University

  • Four pilots were conducted in the context of single lessons for different subjects.

  • These pilots implemented 1 or 2 agile methods during each lesson.

  • All pilots in this context utilized XR-technologies.

  • The participating students were from two high schools in the City of Espoo, specifically Leppävaara Upper Secondary School and Espoo Yhteislyseo Upper Secondary School, which had lower entry requirements compared to the average in the city of Espoo. The high school rectors committed to participating in the pilot testing.

  1. Pilot in Spain by Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

  • Four pilots were conducted (the second pilot was implemented twice, with two classes from the same year) in the context of single lessons for different subjects.

  • All pilots used agile methodologies in combination with web technologies.

  • As the target audience of the project is secondary school teachers, the pilots were carried out in a secondary school in the city of Madrid (Spain).

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