3.2 Daily Stand-Up Meetings

If you opt for a daily meeting, you'll gather your students in the morning for approximately 15 minutes around the Kanban board. During this brief meeting, each student should answer a set of questions in about a minute or two. The primary purpose of the daily meeting is to provide a concise and informative update, setting intentions, sharing accomplishments, and addressing any needs or obstacles. Here are the questions for the Stand-Up meeting:

As the meeting progresses, each student should physically move the post-it or card representing their completed task from the "Doing" column to the "Done" column on the Kanban board. Subsequently, they should share their intentions for the day and shift their post-it or card from the "Personal Intention" column to the "Doing" column. If a student needs support, this is also an appropriate time to request assistance from others.

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To facilitate the meeting effectively, you can utilize the gameshifting board to make the meeting structure and steps more explicit. This helps ensure that everyone understands the process and remains focused on the key questions and objectives.

Below you can find an example of the gameshifting board that has been designed under the AgileXR Erasmus+ project. From that board you can choose each time the conditions of the daily meeting.

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After the meeting is concluded, students proceed to the daily Creation phase, where they actively work on executing their tasks. During this phase, they should reflect individually on the work they've completed during the day and document their progress as requested by the project. This documentation helps maintain a record of their daily efforts and achievements.

Have a look at other inspiration sources, a Mural template for a stand up meeting that you can adapt to your classroom needs.

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