The student and teacher questionnaires (Appendix 1 & 2), forming a crucial component of our research methodology, was meticulously developed to gauge the perceptions of students and teachers regarding the AgileXR project's pilots in classroom practice. This instrument was primarily adapted from the frameworks established by Chatterjee & Correia (2020) and Kreijns et al. (2007), ensuring a robust foundation for our inquiry. To align with the unique objectives of our study, additional items were integrated, capturing a broader spectrum of variables pertinent to our research interests, including agile methodologies and technological tools for student collaboration.
The questionnaire is structured into multiple sections, each targeting a distinct aspect of the student experience and perception. The initial segment collects demographic information and context about the pilot experience, including birth year, gender, and the responsible entity for the pilot in their country. Subsequent sections delve into various thematic areas: Engagement and Motivation for Learning, Sense of Social Connection and Community, Self-Regulation, Relationships with the Teacher, Perception of Learning and Acquired Skills, and the Agile Mindset. Each question within these sections is twofold, assessing both the degree of agreement or disagreement with a statement and a comparative analysis with usual teacher-led activities.
In addition, the teacher questionnaire included three additional questions about the pilot's contribution to improving their own teaching skills in the use of technology, their teaching skills in general, and their contribution to students with difficulties (e.g. due to learning difficulties or low socio-economic status).
The questionnaire comprises both quantitative and qualitative elements. The quantitative questions employ a Likert scale, ranging from 'Strongly disagree' to 'Strongly agree' and comparative scales like 'Less than usual' to 'More than usual.' This approach allows for nuanced insight into the students' experiences compared to their regular educational settings. The qualitative aspects are encapsulated in open-ended questions, inviting expansive, subjective responses, thereby enriching our understanding with personal perspectives and detailed feedback.
Prior to participating, respondents are presented with an informed consent form, aligning with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and standards of good research practice. This form details the study's nature, purpose, confidentiality assurances, and the voluntary basis of participation. The confidentiality and protection of participants' information are paramount, adhering to GDPR and Spanish Organic Law 3/2018, ensuring the ethical integrity of the study.
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