Our Approach: Design-Research

Understanding the potential of XR technologies to facilitate teamwork

Metropolia UAS's task in the Agile XR project was to test new technologies to create an understanding if XR technologies are able to create a sense of community, increase collaboration and teamwork in distance learning.

We began our study by creating a list of different features of virtual platforms that support teamwork. This was followed by benchmarking twenty-three (23) different XR-based solutions, identifying and selecting those that foster teamwork and collaboration in distance learning and that are suitable for upper secondary level schools. We then selected four platforms for further testing and development. The testing was done with different groups of students and with other users as well.

Double Diamond

We used the Double Diamond process in this study. Double diamond is a tool for a design process where the design brief is explored through four stages; discover, define, develop and deliver.

In the following paragraphs we describe the activities included in each phase (discover, define, develop and deliver) of our study.

Image 1. Double diamond process


In the Discover phase our research and benchmarking focused on discovering and analysing the existing data and the current stage of distance learning. Our research included a mapping the material on distance learning and a of part where we analysed the needs and demands of virtual distance learning. We focused on how to improve interaction and what is lacking in the existing tools and equipment. Data was collected by observing existing situations in distant learning. From these experiences we were able to define the existing levels of interaction and clarify the need for further development.


The Define phase we first created a criteria to guide us on choosing software. Define phase also included testing and comparing the latest XR software and the latest XR related technologies for distance learning. Based on the outcome of the study we were able to focus on the existing and new software and technologies on the market and analyse the qualities and usability of different solutions with different teaching scenarios. We compared the platforms using XR equipment such as VR headsets and also using virtual environments with conventional desktop and mobile computers. Metropolia UAS has been collaborating with several software companies and the results of this study will give input on development of new software.


In the Development phase

Current state of distance learning is lacking the elements of community. The development phase focuses on the possibilities of increasing the sense of community and creativity in distance learning. We gained a lot of information from our software testing phase. What was working and elements were missing. Towards the end of this project we were able to create our own spaces in Spatial platform with the qualities that support distance learning and enable student engagement.


This guide is one part of how we deliver our results. It includes short instructions to support new users. Furthermore, we will suggest a variety of improvements to existing XR learning environments and share our outcomes by using virtual tools to guide both teachers and students to use the XR solutions to improve distance learning.

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