Interview with Yeremi Marín, ALC Facilitator at EduCambiando, Mexico

Navigating the Seas of Agile Learning: A Journey with Yeremi Marín (a Spanish audio interview)

In the realm of education, the Agile Learning movement has been gaining traction, offering a dynamic and transformative approach to learning. Recently, we had the privilege of connecting with Yeremi Marín who plays a pivotal role in the Agile Learning community in Mexico. Let's embark on a journey through Yeremi's experiences, challenges, and the innovative projects he's currently involved in.

"My name is Yeremy Marín. Many know me as Arquiri. I collaborate in an agile learning center in Mexico located in the state of Veracruz, in the city of Xalapa. The center is called EduCambiando and is one of the first agile centers in all of Mexico."


“Mi nombre es Yeremy Marín. Muchos me conocen como Arquiri. Yo colaboro en un centro de aprendizaje ágil en México que se encuentra en el estado de Veracruz, en la ciudad de Xalapa. El centro se llama Educambiando y es uno de los primeros centros ágiles de todo México.”

1. Unveiling the Roots of Agile Learning

In the interview, Yeremi provides a glimpse into the inception of Educambiando, one of Mexico's earliest Agile Learning centers. Established in 2016, Educambiando has evolved into a thriving community committed to transforming paradigms in education. He delves into the challenges, successes, and the pivotal role of intentional culture creation, agile tools, self-directed development, and freedom in learning spaces.

2. Adapting and Evolving: Agile Learning's Ongoing Journey:

With almost eight years of existence, Educambiando has seen remarkable growth. Yeremi narrates how the center transitioned from a physical location to a beautiful ranch in the woods, emphasizing a shift from a service provider mindset to fostering a sense of community. He explores the ongoing modifications and restructuring undertaken due to perceived gaps in the Agile Learning model.

3. Creating Waves: Projects Shaping the Future:

Yeremi takes us on a tour of Educambiando's current projects, showcasing their commitment to pushing the boundaries of Agile Learning. From an extended nine-month facilitator training program, the first of its kind in Latin America, to collaborative initiatives with traveling families and the development of a community hub for adults, the projects are diverse and forward-thinking.

4. A Memorable Tale: Agile Learning in Action during a Crisis:

In a poignant recollection, Yeremi shares a transformative experience during the 2017 earthquake in Mexico. Drawing on Agile Learning principles, he narrates how a group of Agile Learning enthusiasts organized themselves to provide effective aid to a devastated community, highlighting the power of participatory leadership and collaboration.

5. Navigating the Pandemic Seas: Digital Tools as a Lifeline:

In the interview, Yeremi also speaks about the pandemic and he walks us through their journey. Educambiando faced the challenge of adapting to the new normal, detailing the use of digital tools like Trello and Miro to organize virtual offerings. He reflects on the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, emphasizing the unexpected shift where parents became active participants in virtual offerings.

6. Beyond the Pandemic: Tools That Endure:

Yeremi shares insights into the digital tools that continue to play a crucial role post-pandemic. While some tools were embraced temporarily, Trello remains a constant companion, proving its effectiveness in coordinating tasks, schedules, and information sharing within the community.

7. The Dance of Hybrid Learning: A Glimpse into the Future:

With respect to hybrid learning activities, Yeremi envisions a future where Agile Learning seamlessly integrates physical and virtual experiences. He emphasizes the importance of offering diverse interaction formats, envisioning a space where participants choose between virtual and physical offerings based on their preferences.

"There are people who attend certain meetings like today. In the treasure hunt meeting, there was someone on a video call while the rest of us were physically together. There are also physical offerings where people want to participate but can't be there, so we have a video call for them. So, I think the hybrid format is present at different levels, and I really envision it as what I have already experienced. I think it works very well to have many ways to interact, not just thinking that the hybrid is about providing content while there are people present in person and others virtually."


“Hay personas que asisten a ciertas reuniones como hoy. En la reunión de la búsqueda del tesoro había alguien en videollamada mientras los demás estábamos físicamente juntos. También hay ofrecimientos físicos donde la gente quiere participar pero no pueden ir, entonces les tenemos una videollamada. Así que creo que el formato híbrido está presente en distintos niveles y realmente me lo imagino así como lo que ya he conocido.

Creo que funciona muy bien tener muchas maneras de interactuar, no solamente pensar en que lo híbrido es ofrecer un contenido mientras hay personas presentes de forma presencial y personas de forma virtual.”

8. The Potential of Digital Tools in Agile Learning: A Vision for Tomorrow:

In a forward-looking perspective, Yeremi explores the potential of a comprehensive application tailored to Agile Learning communities. This envisioned app spans organizational coordination, individual learner support, and parental involvement, offering a unified platform for streamlined communication, documentation, and engagement.

9. Pondering the Future: The Global Landscape of Education:

Yeremi reflects on the multifaceted nature of predicting the future of education. While acknowledging the influence of global trends, he highlights the unique contexts shaping educational trajectories across different regions. The interview concludes with a nuanced understanding of the diverse factors influencing the future of learning.


Yeremi Marín's journey through Agile Learning at Educambiando paints a vivid picture of innovation, adaptability, and community building. As Agile Learning continues to evolve, Yeremi's experiences serve as a beacon, guiding educators, learners, and communities toward a future where education is dynamic, participatory, and truly transformative.

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