Project Result 4: Pilot and Impact Evaluation and Lessons Learned

  1. Objective of Project Result 4

Within the AgileXR project, the fourth result stands as a critical component designed to assess the ability of the new tools and methodologies implemented to foster teamwork and collaboration. The primary goal of this result is to gauge their effectiveness in improving the well-being of students engaged in distance and hybrid learning scenarios. This result's specific focus on impact evaluation and lessons learned is essential in understanding the project's real-world outcomes and the implications for the future of education.

  1. Expected Impact

The main impact anticipated from Project Result 4 is the enhancement of hybrid education's effectiveness. By evaluating the success of the new digital tools, teaching methods, and collaborative approaches, AgileXR aims to provide valuable insights that empower teachers and educational institutions to adapt to a rapidly changing educational landscape. It aspires to facilitate the creation of a comprehensive report that conveys the main quality criteria for designing learning activities in hybrid scenarios.

  1. Outcomes

The unique elements of AgileXR's approach include identifying the most effective ways of delivering distance learning and teaching, all without compromising the quality of education.

The outcomes of Project Result 4 encompass a robust set of quality criteria for designing learning activities in hybrid scenarios. These criteria serve as a blueprint for educators and institutions striving to optimize the benefits of digital tools, web, and extended reality in education. They encapsulate the best practices and lessons learned from the AgileXR project, enabling other educators and institutions to follow suit, thus contributing to the broader advancement of educational practices in a digital age.

Three sources have been developed for this purpose. This document, with the evaluation of the pilot teaching practices implemented on the basis of this project. Thanks to this and to the scientific evidence, the development of a guide with the keys to collaborative and engaging learning in distance education. Finally, a small guide with the most useful educational technological tools to comply with these guiding principles for specific purposes, such as the promotion of formative assessment, more collaborative learning and, above all, greater active participation of all students.

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