Appendix 1. Pilot evaluation student questionnaire

The project "Augmented Agile teamwork for hybrid learning at schools" (2021-1-BE02-KA220-SCH-000027889) is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The content of this event is the sole responsibility of RHIZO, CollectiveUP, Metropolia and Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, and neither the European Commission nor EPOS vzw are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Purpose of data collection:

The purpose of this study is to explore students' and teachers' perceptions of the AgileXR project's pilots in classroom practice, in relation to agile methodologies and technological tools for student collaboration.

Privacy Information:

The purpose of this document is to inform you about the research in which you are invited to participate. The study has been reviewed and will be conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and standards of good research practice.

If you decide to agree to participate in the study, you should receive personalised information from the researcher, read this document beforehand, and ask any questions you need to understand the details of the study. You can discuss this document with other people and take as much time as you need to decide whether or not you agree to participate. Participation in this study is completely voluntary. You may decide not to participate or, if you agree to participate, you may change your mind by withdrawing your consent at any time without explanation.

Participation in this study is entirely voluntary.

Your participation is anonymous and you do not have to provide any personal information.

How will the confidentiality of my information be protected?

The processing, communication and transfer of your data will be carried out in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR) and Spanish Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDDD). You may access, oppose, rectify or cancel your data at any time by contacting the researcher.

Only the project team, which is bound by confidentiality, will have access to all the data collected in the study, although non-identifiable information - for example, for project reports or publications - may be shared with third parties. In the event that information is transferred to other countries, it will be done with a level of data protection at least equivalent to that required by Spanish and European legislation.

The data controller is Juan Fraile Ruiz, coordinator of one of the participating partners: Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. If you have any questions, please contact

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. We cannot move forward without your input.

Consent form for participation:

  • I declare that I have read the Participant Information Sheet about the study and agree to participate in the study.

  • The nature and purpose of the study and the possible benefits and risks of my participation have been explained to me.

  • I was given sufficient time to ask questions and all questions were answered to my satisfaction.

  • I have been assured of the confidentiality of my data.

  • I give my consent voluntarily and understand that I am free to withdraw from the study at any time without prejudice.


Each question has two parts: one about the degree of agreement or disagreement and one in comparison with the activities your teacher usually carries out for the same purpose.

This questionnaire has been developed by adapting those designed and used by Chatterjee & Correia (2020) and Kreijns et al. (2007); and adding other items to collect information on the rest of the variables of interest.

First of all, we ask you some questions to know your context and that of the pilot experience:

  1. What is the year in which you were born?

  2. Gender:

  1. Who is responsible in your country for this pilot experience?

  1. When did you participate in the pilot? (date)


  1. This activity/task has engaged me, I have been paying attention and active:

  1. Compared to the activities/tasks that the teacher usually does for the same purpose, this activity/task has engaged me, I have been paying attention and active:

  1. I felt interested in the activity/task:

  1. Compared to the activities/tasks that the teacher usually does for the same purpose, I felt interested in the activity/task:

  1. This activity/task has boosted my motivation towards learning:

  1. Compared to the activities/tasks that the teacher usually does for the same purpose, this activity/task has boosted my motivation towards learning:


  1. This activity/task has made my team work well together, communicating and collaborating:

  1. Compared to the activities/tasks that the teacher usually does for the same purpose, this activity/task has made my team work well together, communicating and collaborating:

  1. This activity/task has fostered a feeling of connectedness among students, i.e. to stimulate a sense of group belonging:

  1. Compared to the activities/tasks that the teacher usually does for the same purpose, this activity/task has fostered a feeling of connectedness among students, i.e. to stimulate a sense of group belonging:


  1. In this activity/task I have understood the learning goals, identify my strengths and weaknesses and know how to improve it:

  1. Compared to the activities/tasks that the teacher usually does for the same purpose, in this activity/task I have understood the learning goals, identify my strengths and weaknesses and know how to improve it:


  1. In this activity/task I feel that I have been able to communicate and interact with the teacher:

  1. Compared to the activities/tasks that the teacher usually does for the same purpose, In this activity/task I feel that I have been able to communicate and interact with the teacher:


  1. This activity/task has been useful for my learning:

  1. Compared to the activities/tasks that the teacher usually does for the same purpose, this activity/task has been useful for my learning:

  1. This task/activity has been useful for me to know how to use technology to learn:

  1. Compared to the activities/tasks that the teacher usually does for the same purpose, this task/activity has been useful for me to know how to use technology to learn:


The agile mindset is a thought process that involves understanding, collaborating, learning, and staying flexible to achieve high-performing results. This way of thinking helps teams adapt to change, rather than struggle around it. Instead of simply diving into agile practices and going through the motions, it is vital for all team members to understand and truly adopt the methodology in all aspects of their work. When the ‘why’ of agile is clearly understood, the ‘how’ is nurtured naturally in accordance with the needs of the team.

  1. Compared to the activities/tasks that teachers usually do for the same purpose, has this task/activity helped me to work on the "agile mindset" linked to resilience and the ability to adapt to change?

(open question)


  1. (Optional) Would you like to tell us something about the themes of the previous items in a more open way?

  2. (Optional) Which aspects did you like the most?

  3. (Optional) What aspects could have been better? How?

  4. (Optional) Anything else you would like to tell us?

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