Key Project Learnings and Reflections

Welcome to our reflective journey through the Agile XR project. This piece aims to synthesise key learnings and insights from our team's experience, providing a robust and insightful perspective on the project's relevant outcomes for secondary school teachers across Europe.

The reflections are drawn from the final team reflection workshop during our Transnational Project Meeting 4 in Belgium on 13 and 14th of December 2023. The complementary video fragments are recorded - with permission to publish these videos - during our second LTTA event in Finland between 3 and 5 November 2023.

1. Embrace Agile Methodologies in Education for Dynamic Learning

When adapted for the classroom, Agile practices can significantly enhance flexibility and responsiveness in teaching. Emphasizing iterative processes and continuous feedback can lead to more engaged and adaptive learning environments in any learning environment.

2. Leverage Pedagogy for Effective Use of VR and Web Technologies

The potential of VR and web technologies in education is vast. Teachers should explore incorporating these tools to create immersive and interactive learning experiences. However, they should be mindful of the initial challenges, as the user experience for most VR hardware and software with multiple students simultaneously is not optimized. In particular, our team discovered a need for better VR onboarding experiences and the need for user-friendly interfaces. When using VR devices in a classroom context, focus on leveraging pedagogical methods that move away from traditional classroom teaching (e.g., carousel) and allow for smart onboarding (e.g., peer-to-peer teaching).

3. Foster Digital Literacy and Technological Proficiency for Teachers and Students

Introducing emerging technologies like VR to teachers and students in the classroom is key to enhancing digital literacy. Teachers should view the integration of these technologies not just as a subject matter, but as a means to develop essential 21st-century skills in students.

4. Collaborative Transnational Projects Accelerate Learning

Our team discovered while doing that engaging in collaborative projects involving diverse teams, and nationalities exposed the team to various perspectives and fostered better project results and a global outlook in learning.

5. Customise Teaching Approaches for Diverse Learning Needs

Recognize and address the diverse learning needs and preferences of students. This includes considering accessibility for students with disabilities and adapting teaching methods accordingly. This commitment to inclusivity ensures that education is accessible and enriching for all students, acknowledging and valuing their unique learning paths.

6. The Importance of Infrastructure in Technology-Driven Education

Advocate for and work towards improving school infrastructure to support the effective use of technology in education. Reliable internet connectivity and device access are crucial for successfully implementing digital learning tools. Still, this fundamental infrastructure requirement is challenging for many schools we encountered.

7. Apply a Digital-first Approach to Increase Flexibility in Teaching for all Modalities

Teachers should be prepared to bridge the gap between traditional teaching methods and the integration of new technologies. This involves understanding the technology and rethinking pedagogical approaches to make learning more interactive and student-centred. Adopting a 'digital-first' mentality while developing teaching materials is key to flourishing in all learning environments.

8. Embody Lifelong Learning For Educators in EdTech

Emphasize the importance of self-learning and professional growth in emerging educational technologies. Teachers should be encouraged to continuously update their skills and knowledge to keep pace with technological educational advancements.


The Agile XR project offered valuable insights into the intersection of agile methodologies, VR & web technology, and different learning modalities. While we achieved substantial progress, there's room for deeper exploration and more integrated approaches in future projects. These insights can serve as valuable guidelines for educators looking to innovate and improve their teaching practices in line with modern educational trends and technologies. This reflection captures our journey and paves the way for future digital and blended learning innovations.

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